Monday, June 16, 2008

Articles of Legislation to be Introduced in Massachusetts in 2008-2010

1. Massachusetts' Adoption of Arizona's option to not participate in any Federally declared State of Emergency.

2. Massachusetts commendation of Oklahoma's declaration of state sovereignty.

3. Declaration of the immediate restoration of the Massachusetts' income tax rate to 5% as the 2000 people's referendum mandated. Followed by the chastizement of the government entity thatdisobeyed the will of the people.

4. Declaration of and rejection of the fraudulent nature of the Federal income tax due to the 16th amendment.

5. Massachusetts' non-cooperation with Federal agencies working against these principles.

6. Denouncement of George W Bush and the neoconservative superFederalist movement.

7. Recall of Massachusetts National Guard from foreign engagements.

8. Elimination of Massachusetts' recognition of all marriages.

9. State letter of marque to open all energy technology patents to public disclosure and public domain

10. Foundation of the Massachusetts International War Crimes Court. Adoption of laws forcing Massachusetts to try criminals of war from anywhere in the world in absentia and to arrest those responsible for war crimes when in Massachusetts jurisdiction.

11. Explanation of the ban on the invasion of the human being or any other living being by mandatory RFID chipping.

12. Ban on all non-medical abortions with respect to the rights of the child and human sovereignty. Scientific discussion that life begins as two sex cells meet and form new signal.

13. Constitutional rights of minors to be upheld.

14. Campaign finance reform to be the method of electioneering.